Kindergarten through Second Grade (2024-25):
The Upper Perkiomen School District curriculum is aligned to the Pennsylvania Core and Academic Standards. To best report student progress and achievement according to these standards, we have created a Standards-Based Reporting system for our students. The PA Standards are specific learning goals designed to provide year-end targets for all students. To learn more about the PA Core and Academic Standards and the specific content and skills for each grade level, you are encouraged to visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education website:
The report card is designed to stimulate an on-going conversation between teachers, parents and students about what is expected of students in our academic program. Over the course of each trimester, our teachers assess student performance using a variety of measures. Some of these include performance tasks, classwork assignments, journals as well as a range of formative and summative assessments that show evidence of student achievement over time. One of the purposes of a Standards-Based Reporting system is to provide specific, detailed information to parents and guardians regarding the progress their child is making toward a year-end defined learning standard as set forth by specific grade level content and skills. The standards appear on the report card as categories that receive a score, as indicated below. IF the standard is not fully assessed in a given trimester, you will see that area “grayed out” with no score recorded.
The report card provides parents/guardians information in three program areas: Core Subjects (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies); Encore Subjects (Art, FLITE, Library, Music, PE) utilizing the Academic Achievement Key below, and Qualities of a Learner, using a separate key below. For your review, the full Report Card can be found by clicking here.
Frequently asked questions:
- What do teachers utilize to assign a score of Secure, Progressing, Beginning, or Not Evident?
- What score is “normal” for students? How should my child score?
- How can I learn more about the PA Standards?
- Why didn’t we keep the old report card; why was this change made?
- Who should I talk to if I have questions about my child’s progress and/or Report Card?
- How can I get in touch with my child’s teacher?
- What will my report card look like?