Principal's Message
Welcome to Marlborough Elementary School! It is with great pleasure that I serve the Upper Perkiomen School District community in this role. I come to Marlborough Elementary with experience as a high school special education teacher, curriculum supervisor and high school assistant principal. I have enjoyed every role and have learned so much about education at various levels. I hold certificates in the following areas: special education (K-12), elementary education (K-6), middle school Math and English, Supervisor of Special Education, Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction and the Principalship.
In collaboration with the teachers and staff at Marlborough Elementary School, I will continue to work diligently to ensure that all students have equal access to a rich, authentic learning environment. As a mother of three young kids- ages 8, 4 and 2, I strive to provide parents, teachers and students with the type of environment that I would want my own children to experience in school. I take very seriously the amount of trust and responsibility you share with us as we welcome your children into school each day. It is our job to continue to provide a safe, caring and educationally rigorous environment for each student in our building. I hope to continue to work with teachers and families to foster independence, curiosity and a love for learning in all of us.
Do not hesitate to reach out to me via email at with any questions, comments or concerns before the beginning of the school year. My phone contact information is 215-541-7201. I am looking forward to getting to know the new students, parents and teachers at Marlborough Elementary School. Cheers to a great school year!
Mrs. Allison Stephens
Marlborough Elementary School Principal