- College Planning - Freshmen
- College Planning - Sophomores
- College Planning - Juniors
- College Planning - Seniors
- NCAA / Student Athletes
- ACT / SAT / PSAT / AP Exams
- College & Career Planning Resources
College Planning - Freshmen
It may seem early to start thinking about getting ready for college, but it really isn’t. Important groundwork takes place in ninth and tenth grade. Here are a few things to consider in order to make sure you’re on the right track:
¨ Create a high school game plan – make sure you know what courses are required for college, familiarize yourself with the courses Upper Perk offers, and map out when these courses should be taken. Utilize Upper Perk’s current course selection guide as a reference, located in the student life tab of the High School web site.
¨ Start thinking about careers – identify your interests (likes and dislikes) not just in academics but in all areas. Complete the personality assessment and career interest profiler available in Naviance. Attend an information session or an open house regarding the Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center. Discuss your options with others, such as your counselor, teachers, and parents. Your goals may change – maybe often – but it’s the thought process that counts!
¨ Consider extracurricular activities – colleges would rather see real involvement in one activity than a loose connection to several activities. See your counselor for a list of clubs UP offers. If you want to play sports in college, research the National College Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility requirements. More information can be obtained at www.eligibilitycenter.org or through your counselor’s office.
¨ Meet with your school counselor – your counselor knows how to help you make the most out of your high school education. Make sure you take the time to discuss you post-graduation plans – even if that’s 3 years away! If you are ready to explore your college options, ask your counselor about using Naviance Family Connection and www.collegeboard.com to explore career options and college planning.
¨ Attend college and career fairs – There are college and career fairs at local area community colleges, plus, it’s never too early to visit and tour college campuses. Even if it’s not a college you will ultimately consider, the experience will help you learn what to look for in a college campus.
¨ Talk to your friends! – If you have older friends and family members who have gone through the college planning process – or are going through it now – talk to them about their experiences and learn from their successes and struggles.
--Use Your Summer Wisely! -- Make sure to set yourself up for a successful school year by doing your Summer Reading for English class!! Consider attending a summer camp of interest.
College Planning - Sophomores
Important groundwork takes place in tenth grade. It is never too early to prepare for the future. Here are a few things to consider in order to make sure you’re on the right track for college:
¨ Revisit your high school game plan – make sure you know what courses are required for college, familiarize yourself with the courses Upper Perk offers, and map out when these courses should be taken. Consider a specialty at the Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center. Utilize Upper Perk’s current course selection guide as a reference, located in the student life tab of the High School web site. If eligible, be sure to consider Upper Perk's dual enrollment options.
¨ Consider taking the PSATs in October - Although it is also recommended to take them the Fall of your Junior year, taking them twice is great practice, and an option that many Sophomores choose.
-During Spring Course selection, consider requesting our College & Career Prep Class for Junior year. It is an extremely helpful course!
¨ Start thinking about careers – identify your interests (likes and dislikes) not just in academics but in all areas. Complete the personality assessment and career interest profiler available in Naviance. Discuss your options with others, such as your counselor, teachers, and parents. Your goals may change – maybe often – but it’s the thought process that counts! Make the most out of your Career Exploration Class--this is a great opportunity to explore your options. Create a resume, to build your college and employment portfolio.
¨ Consider extracurricular activities – colleges would rather see real involvement in one activity than a loose connection to several activities. See you counselor for a list of clubs UP offers. If you want to play sports in college, research the National College Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility requirements. More information can be obtained at www.eligibilitycenter.org or through your counselor’s office.
¨ Meet with your school counselor – your counselor knows how to help you make the most out of your high school education. Make sure you take the time to discuss you post-graduation plans – even if that’s 3 years away! If you are ready to explore your college options, ask your counselor about using Naviance Family Connection and www.collegeboard.com to explore career options and college planning.
¨ Attend college and career fairs – There are college and career fairs at local area community colleges, plus, it’s never too early to visit and tour college campuses. Even if it’s not a college you ultimately consider, the experience will help you learn what to look for in a college campus.
¨ Talk to your friends! – If you have older friends and family members who have gone through the college planning process – or are going through it now – talk to them about their experiences and learn from their successes and struggles.
--Use Your Summer Wisely! -- Make sure to set yourself up for a successful school year by doing your Summer Reading for English class!! Consider attending a summer camp of interest, enrichment opportunity, or pre-college program. Be sure to check out our enrichment page for current opportunities.
College Planning - Juniors
- Consider attending the Tri-County Education & Career Fair which is typically held at the Coventry Mall in Pottstown
- Register early to take the PSAT
- Plan to attend Upper Perk's Financial Aid Night with a parent or guardian
- Take PSAT
- Sign up in guidance to attend the college representative meetings to learn about the various schools.
- Plan to attend the Montgomery County College Fair
- You and your parents should come to the Financial Aid Night
- Register for the Jan. SAT if interested.
- Talk to your parents and counselor about continuing your education. Discuss a timeline for taking the SAT/ACT, if applicable.
- Meet with your counselor to discuss course registration options for next year. Consider dual enrollment and/or AP courses for strength of curriculum.
- Look for pamphlets, catalogues, booklets, & other college information in the guidance office. Conduct a College search on Naviance Family Connection.
- Check the college planning page for links to other helpful college sites.
- Register for the February ACT if interested.
- Continue to use Naviance Family Connection in researching colleges.
- Talk to seniors about their plans-- where and why are they going to college, technical, business school, etc.
- Register for the March SAT if interested.
- Attend College Information Night in March TBA at UPHS.
- Register for the April ACT if interested.
- Plan to visit a few colleges, business schools, technical schools, etc. It is better to see a school while in session than wait until the summer. Request interviews when appropriate.
- Make sure your senior schedule includes all the courses that are necessary for graduation and admission to the school of your choice.
- If you haven’t already, meet with your guidance counselor to discuss career plans.
- Register for the May SAT if interested.
- Register for the June SAT if interested.
- Register for the June ACT if interested.
- Request application forms and financial aid information by mail or online.
- Complete your campus visits to colleges you are considering. Take an unofficial transcript with you, if you plan an interview. Allow the guidance office two weeks prior notice to process transcripts.
- Explore a pre-college program or enrichment opportunity. Check out our enrichment page for ideas.
- Consider summer employment.
College Planning - Seniors
All Year
- Continually check into your Naviance account. Here you will be able to access a list of all the scholarships we have on file, find out when college reps are going to be visiting our school, get the dates for upcoming events, find great links to career websites and much more!
- Visit college campuses every chance you get!
- Search for scholarships. There’s lots of free money you can get your hands on if you just put in a little effort!
- Attend Financial Aid Night, date TBD
- Start your Financial Aid process. Both you and your parents need to obtain an FSA ID at https://fsaid.ed.gov so you can fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Check to see if the colleges to which you are applying require any other financial aid forms.
- Meet with college admissions reps who come to visit our school.
- Attend college fairs.
- Know application deadlines for the schools and scholarships you wish to apply to. They may vary and it is essential to meet all deadlines!
- Meet with your School Counselor to be sure your list includes colleges appropriate to your academic and personal record.
- Review your applications, transcript, activities resume and college essays with your parents, School Counselors to ensure they are accurate and complete.
- If you have not completed the required tests or if you are not happy with your scores register for the upcoming SAT’s, ACT’s and SAT II’s. Have official test scores sent to the colleges you are applying to.
- If the colleges require recommendations, ask the appropriate people to write on your behalf.
- Complete the FAFSA at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
- October is a great time to visit college campuses. Many plan programs for prospective freshmen on this weekend.
- Register with NCAA Clearinghouse if you are planning on playing Division I or Division II sports in college (www.eligibilitycenter.org)
- Know your deadlines and keep working on applications!
- Prioritizing and submission of college applications and supporting items i.e. recommendations, SAT/ACT scores
- Know your deadlines and keep working on applications.
- Keep looking/applying for scholarships- get your college paid for!
- Keep working in your classes! Grades and courses continue to count throughout your senior year.
- Request that the registrar send mid year reports (the transcript of your first semester grades) if your colleges require them.
- If you completed a FAFSA, you should receive your Student Aid Report (SAR) within four weeks after submitting the FAFSA. Review the SAR carefully and check for any inaccuracies. If necessary, correct any items on the SAR and return it to the FAFSA processor (If a college transmitted your data directly, notify the college of any change).
- Complete scholarship applications. You may be eligible for more scholarships than you think, so apply foras many as you can!
- Stop into Guidance to complete applications for local Senior Awards.
- If taking an AP course, attend the AP promotion assembly.
- Stay focused and keep studying- only a couple more months to go!
- Review your college acceptances and financial aid awards. If you are positive you will not enroll at one or more of the colleges that accepted you please notify those colleges that you have selected another college. If you know which college you will attend, send your tuition deposit and follow all other instructions.
- Attend the AP preadministration session, if applicable.
- Take Advanced Placement exams, if appropriate and request that your AP scores be sent to the college you will be attending.
- Complete your Senior Survey! This lets the registrar know where to send your final official transcript.
- MCCC dual enrollment students, request your MCCC Transcripts to be sent to your college via www.mc3.edu.
- Notify the college of any private scholarships or grants you will be receiving.
- Know when the payment for tuition, room and board, meal plans, etc., is due.
- Congratulations! You have completed a difficult task, now it’s time to look forward to graduation!
NCAA / Student Athletes
Students who are interested in Playing Division I or II sports in College should familiarize themselves with NCAA Guidelines and Eligibility Requirements. Students with questions concerning NCAA should stop in to Guidance and make an appointment with their counselors.
ACT / SAT / PSAT / AP Exams
Download and take a real, full-length practice test. Watch videos showing step-by-step solutions to problems you missed or found challenging, and get even more practice with unreleased questions from real SATs provided by College Board. Click here to start.
Montgomery County Community College offers preparation for SAT and ACT. There are evening and weekend classes. For more info, please see the upcoming course schedule.
Penn State Lehigh Test Prep
Penn State Lehigh Valley periodically runs courses for SAT prep. For more info, please visit https://lehighvalley.psu.edu/CE/SAT
PSAT -- This test is offered once per year in October. College-bound Sophomores and Juniors are encouraged to take PSATs for SAT practice. Taking PSATs Junior year also gives Juniors a chance to enter National Merit Scholarship programs. Click here to access a flyer detailing the benefits of taking the PSAT exam.
SAT - Check upcoming test dates and register for the SAT
SAT Practice - College Board Practice materials
ACT -- Check upcoming test dates and register for ACT
ACT Practice -- ACT Practice materials
AP Exams - Offered each May. Click the link to learn more about AP courses and exams.
College & Career Planning Resources
- UPHS Secondary Planning Guide
- College Info Night 2016-- View PowerPoint here.
- ACT Career Planning - explore the World of Work map, get career planning tips, and apprenticeship info
- ACT College Planning - academic prep info, college search tools, college planning checklist
- Cappex College Fit Kit - useful college planning worksheets and info
- College Affordability and Transparency Center - highlights institutions with high & low tuition and fees, as well as high and low net prices (the price of attendance minus grant and scholarship aid)
- ECampus Tours - Virtual tours of over 1,300 colleges nationwide
- YouVisit - Another great site to take virtual tours of college campuses.
- Admittedly - provides students with college matches based on a series of questions. Fun, interactive college profiles
- SAT College & Career Planning - college planning, career exploration, college search engine
- Naviance Family Connection- features College & Career tools to help with future planning; also features UPHS - specific forms and info, including upcoming college rep visits.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook - career info about hundreds of occupations
- Peterson's Education Center - test prep, college application tips, college search & planning info
- Princeton Review - college rankings, college & career search, test prep info
- U.S. News and World Report - college rankings and lists
- Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center -explore technical programs available for UPHS students