Applying to College
College Application Process for UPHS Seniors
Have no fear, we are here to help! Counselors will begin mid-September to meet with every senior individually and discuss the college application process and plans for after graduation. Individual appointment times/dates will be emailed or you will receive a smart pass from Mrs. Bedford. Watch your in-box:)
Senior To Do List:
- Log into Naviance with your Clever login and add your schools to “Colleges I am Applying to.”
- Fill out the Transcript Release Form and obtain a parent/guardian signature. Email this signed form to Mrs. Bedford ( and copy your counselor. This is done one time per year, typically.
- Every time you need a transcript sent to a school, fill out the Application Submission Google Form.
******If you are applying to MCCC/RACC, you only need steps #1-3!********
- Letters of Recommendation: Make sure you have asked teachers for letters of recommendation, if applicable. Once you have their confirmation, request them in Naviance under “colleges >apply to college> letters of recommendation”
- Remember to fill out your brag sheet in Naviance from the top right of your dashboard (About Me>Surveys from your school>class of 2025 brag sheet)**This info is visible to both your counselor and your teachers.
- If you are requesting a letter from a coach, employer, or anyone outside of our faculty:
- For applications that are NOT Common App - employer/coach letter needs to be emailed to your counselor and list their name with “other recommender” or email the name/title to your counselor as a head’s up.
- For all Common App Applications: enter employer/coach info in the Common app under “FERPA & RECOMMENDERS” - they will send it via common app.
- NCAA: If you are planning to play sports for a DI or DII college, you must create an account with the NCAA and then request a transcript, using the form in step #3 above.
- SRAR: If your college is requiring a SRAR (self-reported academic record), request an unofficial transcript from your counselor via email.
- ESSAY: Draft your essay and have it proofread by someone outside of your home/family.
- RESUME: Use the Smart Futures app to format/save/upload your resume to your application while also filing this artifact in your Portfolio.
- FERPA: You must sign the FERPA waiver before we can send your materials.
- Create a common application acct at and click on “College Search” tab to add your colleges to the Common Application.
- Next, on your CA account, click on the “My College” tab, then on the left hand side, click on the “Assign Recommenders” then the FERPA Release Authorization is first item on that page. Click the blue text under the “FERPA RELEASE AUTHORIZATION” to complete the FERPA waiver.
- Rank - we do not publish rank - when it asks for rank, select NONE
- FERPA: You must sign the FERPA waiver before we can send your materials.
Important Dates
FAFSA: Opens in December
- Each student AND parent/guardian must create an FSA ID
- The FAFSA takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Go to
- PPY means prior-prior year (2023 tax return)
- Financial Aid Night at Upper Perk - October 8th from 6:30-8pm in the Audion
This evening program will be presented by Mr. Michael Burke from PA Higher
Education Assistance Agency. Mr. Burke covered the FAFSA application process and answered any questions families had regarding the FAFSA and the PHEAA grant application.
PHEAA Financial Aid Resources for Students & Parents
CSS Profile
Initial application $25, and $16 per additional report
Further financial aid paperwork for a select number of schools, i.e. Drexel, Bucknell, UPenn, etc.
Participating Colleges:
Senior Awards Applications: Available Winter 2025