Schools practice safety procedures throughout the school year, including fire, secure and lockDOWN drills, and are trained annually in how to respond in emergency situations.
Upper Perkiomen School District utilizes the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) developed by the I Love U Guys Foundation in collaboration with the Five Star District and law enforcement. The SRP is based not on individual scenarios but on the response to any given situation. The premise is simple - there are four actions that can be performed during an emergency situation:
As a result of any of the above four scenarios, students may need to be reunified with parents through a controlled release at the school or a reunification at a new location.
We want to reunite students with parents as soon as possible during an emergency situation. We will work with our police and fire agencies to determine when it is safe to reunite students and parents. These situations often take time and planning to ensure you and your child are reunited safely. To learn more about the process, please view the following reunification videos.
- Current Prevention at UPSD
- Current Response at UPSD
- Framework for Safety and Security Efforts
- Considerations for 23-24 School Year
- Research/Information Considered
- Trainings attended by District Administrative Personnel
Current Prevention at UPSD
Current Response at UPSD
Framework for Safety and Security Efforts
Considerations for 23-24 School Year
Research/Information Considered
Trainings attended by District Administrative Personnel
How to stay informed
During an emergency situation, we want you to receive the most accurate information and you can help by ensuring your information is updated. In order to receive safety messages during an emergency, the district will contact you through your information found in Skyward. Log in to your account or contact your child's school to ensure all information is correct and up-to-date.
Text Messages Alerts
Parents can opt-in to receive text message alerts sent by the district and schools. Opting in is a two-step process: 1) Make sure your cell phone number is listed in Skylert in the cell phone field. 2) Then text YES to 67587.
Automated Phone Call
Text Message
Social Media
Stay Home – Parents are advised not to come to the school/scene. By arriving at the school/scene you may be endangering yourself or your child. School district personnel and First Responders will be working hard to control the situation and protect your children. Law Enforcement will be focused on the important task of keeping your child safe.
Stay informed – School district personnel will provide information as soon as possible. Some situations take time to verify accurate information. School district personnel will be in communication throughout the situation and will communicate in several different ways: Text message, email, district web site, or local news media. Please do not call the school as you most likely will not get an answer or you could be pulling staff away from the emergency situation.
Be ready – In case a reunification is necessary, you’ll be informed of when and where to pick up your child. Please bring a photo ID and be patient in the process of connecting you with your child. The process takes time and it’s important to stay calm. The reunification process protects both the safety of students and provides for an accountable exchange of custody from the school to a recognized parent or guardian.
Hold off on calling or texting your student - Parents will be notified with updates on the situation in a timely manner. When it’s safe to do so, students will be allowed to text their parent(s) during a crisis, if applicable. You should NOT call or text a student’s cell phone during a crisis unless you’ve heard from them first and you know it’s safe to text back. During certain situations, you may be placing your child at risk. Students are trained to stay out of site and quiet during a Lockdown. A phone ringing or vibrating could alert an intruder to the student’s location.
See something. Say something.
Safe2Say provides a safe and easy way to anonymously report information about anything that is a concern to school or community safety. We encourage families to contact Safe2Say if they have knowledge of anything that could compromise the safety of the UPSD community.
To report a safety concern please:
- Web: and select “submit a tip”
- Call: 24/7 Safe2Say Crisis Hotline 1-844-SAF2SAY OR 1-844-723-2729
- App: Download app from Apple / Android app store – search for “Safe2Say Something PA”
To learn more about Safe2Say, please check out the UPN Safe2Say Video